Cross-curricular topics

EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
5 Baby turtles
5 Little birds
5 Little monkeys bouncing
5 Little monkeys swinging
5 Little spiders
8 Enormous dinosaurs

EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use when teaching about food in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
One potato Two potato
5 Big Lemons
5 Crispy Pancakes
5 Currant Buns
5 Fat Peas
10 Fat Sausages

Transport EYFS topic pack - powerpoints and activities
A set of 13 PowerPoint resources and several printable activities looking at different types of transport for early years.
5 Little men in a flying saucer: The song
A-Z of transport: Pictures for every letter of the alphabet, related to transport
How does it travel: A simple quiz
Old and new transport: Compares old and new kinds of transport
Row your boat: The song
The history of cars: Pictures of cars, how they have changed
The history of transport: From the Stone age to the modern age.
The Wheels on the bus: The song, with sounds and animations
Types of transport: Different kinds with labels
Transport 2: Different kinds, why we need it etc.
Transport shapes: Simple shapes in the environment related to transport
Vehicles that travel in the air: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on water: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on land: Pictures and facts
Transport advertisements - Adverts from the past 100 years showing old cars etc. Can be printed or viewed as a show.
Transport lotto: Game to print out and laminate
Shape car: A car to make by cutting out shape
Black and white pictures with headings to colour / write on
5 Little Astronauts - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little Firefighters - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little men in a flying saucer - heading, props, masks and earth

EYFS / KS1 Farm animal topic: powerpoints, displays and role play pack
A variety of resources on a Farm Animals topic - powerpoint lessons and games, printable displays, rhymes, props and colouring sheets.

Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot - 2 powerpoints, 12 display files and 15 activities
A powerpoint story of Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire Night, with classroom activities to print and display resources.
Guy Fawkes - Two versions; one for KS1 and one for KS2. It details Guy Fawkes' life, and how he became involved with the other conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot; it explains how he was caught, and why people now celebrate Bonfire Night.
Bonfire night acrostic poem
Bonfire Night topic cover
Fire border for displaying work
Fireworks border
Gunpowder plot and Guy Fawkes sequencing
Gunpowder plot black and white pictures (for colouring/display)
Gunpowder plot cards
Gunpowder plot word mat
Guy Fawkes topic cover
Letter to Mounteagle
Newspaper report x 4 - Guy Fawkes, The arrest and The conspirators
Blank scroll
A-Z Flame lettering
Bonfire Night banner
A4 title
Large lettering Bonfire Night
Fireworks border for displays
Confession letter of Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes title
Main conspirators poster
Portraits of James I and Guy Fawkes
Posters - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot
The Fireworks code
The Gunpowder plot pictures

Year 5 science - Famous scientists - Nicolaus Copernicus
A powerpoint about the life and discoveries of Copernicus, with a quiz about his seven assumptions.

Year 5 science Properties and changes of materials - powerpoints, worksheets and planning
A set of resources for the new science curriculum. It contains:
1a. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about materials.
WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know and what they would like to find out about materials.
1b. MATERIAL PROPERTIES - LO: To compare and group everyday materials together
POWERPOINT: A look at 12 different properties of materials, with examples of the materials with those properties. It can also be printed out for display.
WORKSHEET 1: Material properties worksheet
2. DISSOLVING - LO: To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution
POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of dissolve and gives examples of different materials that can be dissolved.
3. SEPARATING A MIXTURE - LO: To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated.
POWERPOINT: Looks at different mixtures and how they can be separated, including sieving, filtering and evaporating.
4. USES OF EVERYDAY MATERIALS - LO: give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials
POWERPOINT: Asks the children to study objects to see what properties different materials have. Asks questions about which properties and materials would be best for making certain objects.
5 & 6. REVERSIBLE AND IRREVERSIBLE OBJECTS - LO: look at dissolving, mixing and changes of state, and reversible and irreversible changes.
POWERPOINT: Explains the meaning of reversible and irreversible changes, giving examples of each. Ends with a quiz where the children have to decide what changes have taken place to certain materials.
7. MATERIALS QUIZ: Recap of all the learning objectives.
WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording quiz answers
WORKSHEET : Sheet for recording what they have learnt
A-Z lettering, with a picture background
A4 Properties and changes of materials title
Materials banner/lettering to cut out
Materials topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own design.
Vocabulary PowerPoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display.
Photo cards - 12 objects made from different materials
Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets
Year 5 Materials medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use.

Year 3 science - Plants - powerpoints, worksheets, planning & display
A set of resources looking at the functions of different parts of flowering plants (roots, stem, trunk, leaves and flowers); the requirements of plants for life and growth, and the part that flowers play in the life cycle of a plant.

Year 3 science - Animals including humans worksheets, powerpoints, planning and display
A set of resources looking at how animals need the right types and amount of nutrition; and how humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Y2 Materials display pack
A set of headings, lettering, posters and vocabulary to use when making a display of everyday materials.
Materials display lettering - In lower and upper case to cut out.
Materials banner (2 versions) - prints out onto 2 A4 sheets
Materials heading (2 different versions) - prints onto an A4 sheet.
Propertiess - each word is on an A4 page - Vocabulary with explanations
Natural and manufactured materials - each natural material is on an A4 page, with an illustration of an object that is made out of the natural material:- bone, clay, cotton, sand, leather, metal, rock, wood, wool.

Year 2 Science - Plants topic - powerpoints, planning, worksheets & display pack
A set of resources following the new science curriculum.

Year 2 Science - Living things resource pack - powerpoints, planning, display and worksheets
A pack of resources following the new science curriculum.

Year 2 Science - Animals including humans - powerpoints, planning, worksheets & display pack
A set of resources to teach about how animals have offspring which grow into adults; the basic needs of animals and the importance of exercise and healthy eating.

Year 1 Science - Plants topic pack
This set of resources includes planning, worksheets and powerpoints. The powerpoint lessons cover the following objectives:
identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

Year 1 Science - Everyday materials topic pack - powerpoints, worksheets activities and display
A set of IWB teaching lessons, worksheets, activities and display resources. It has been made following the curriculum 2014 objectives.

Year 1 Science - Variety of common animals - Animals including humans topic pack
A set of wpowerpoints and printable activities to teach children how to identify and name a variety of animals, describe and compare their structures and identify animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Year 1 Science Animals including humans: the body & 5 senses powerpoints, worksheets and activities
A set of whiteboard resources and activities to teach children to identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
The set also includes a heading for display and an outline adaptable MT plan.